Monday, April 4, 2011

Why I Chose Wright State

    Well to be completely honest Wright State wasn’t my first choice, but after a month of listening to my overbearing mother nagging at me to find a school closer to home I switched last minute to Wright State. My plans were to attend Miami University in Miami Fl. Then I made the mistake of letting my mom in on my plans and boy oh boy did she have a fit when I told her it was all a done deal, and id be leaving for school in a month and a half.  So being the mama’s boy I am and the added fact my mom vowed to not pay one red cent of my tuition, I decided to takes classes only 20 miles from home. So now here I am almost finished with my first year of college and I am oh so ready to transfer somewhere father away from mommy dearest. On the other hand I have had a great time at Wright state. I’ve found that sure there are snow days, and times when its too cold to walk outside, but all in all that is home for me.  I would honestly be lost with out a white Christmas. So as this year comes to an end I have some pretty large decisions to make.
    So just a small little description about myself. I was the Editor of my high school Yearbook for three years. I’m a semi-dramatic person by nature, and I’m always willing to learn something new.

    Well that’s all for now,

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you didn't get to attend college in Miami, Florida, but WSU is a good choice. Your mom wants you to be close to home, and I can't blame her for that. Good blog.
